House to house Christmas. Thats the way Russian Orthodox Christmas is spent for the whole isolated, small villages. That is called
Slaaviq. Every year
Slaaviq begins January 7, and lasts about a whole long trick-or-treating week. Because every house they give out candy. Most houses are Russian Orthodox Christians.
Every single day on the seventh the first house is Fr.'s house. Two starts and the two flags enter to sing. They sing joyful, wonderful songs! Oh how wonderful they sing, the singers sing for thirty minutes straight. Than the sisterhood and Mother is always there to help with the food, and the dishes. They feed the people and pass out candy or stuff. After everybody gets all packed with food and snack, the star and the flag goes out first, and than now every body goes out to wait. That is where the star and the flag gets separated. One is called the 'old Kasigluk' and the other one is called 'Akula'.
Most days are the longest days because they quit slaaviqing after tweleve P.M. This year the latest was four A.M. That is the quiting time of the day of slaaviq. HAPPY SLAAVIQ EVERYBODY!!