Monday, October 20, 2008

My favorite Person that I LOVE!!!

I grew up with my grandma on my moms side, her name was Nellie Slim. She passed away April 10, 2005, and I was in Bethel for Cama-i Dance Festival. She has taught me so much, and she also taught me how to Eskimo Dance and since I am older I LOVE TO DANCE. Thanks to her a lot, if it weren't for her, I would think Eskimo Dancing wouldn't be fun. I love her for that, and many more things that I LOVE HER!!! I will always remember you, and that you will always be in my HEART!!! I LOVE YOU!!!


::NTwitchell said...

I remember u made a great miss camai!:D i'm glad u like dancing.YOU SHOULD TEACH ME!:))...:P

Wassilene said...

Awesome! no wonder you love to dance!:D

Irniaq said...

You make me have tears...I'm sure your gram is so proud of you, Anas.